Tiredness Reson’s: Not only incomplete sleep, these can also be the reasons for fatigue, know what to do, what not to do

Tiredness Reasons: Do you also feel tired instead of fresh as soon as you wake up in the morning? Do you feel stiffness and pain in the body? If yes, then be careful, because it affects your daily routine. It is normal to feel tired in the evening after working the whole day, but it is not good to feel tired in the morning after sleeping at night. Many reasons are responsible for this (Morning Tiredness), not just incomplete sleep. In such a situation, there is a need to immediately improve your daily routine. Let us know the reasons for feeling tired in the morning…
1. Spend most of the time sitting
Nowadays most people use blue light devices more. Like watching TV and mobile all day long. Due to this there is a lot of fatigue. In such a situation, lack of physical activity creates more problems. Due to this, one is not able to get proper sleep and feels tired after waking up in the morning. When we use any gadgets too much, the secretion of melatonin gets suppressed, which causes fatigue in the morning. It is a hormone that regulates the circadian rhythm of the body and when it is deficient, it leads to insomnia at night and fatigue during the day.
2. stress-depression
Worrying too much also causes fatigue. When you are stressed, the body goes on high alert by releasing adrenaline. Due to this, there is tension in the muscles and the brain becomes very active, due to which energy consumption increases and one starts feeling tired. Due to this, the brain is not able to rest properly and keeps feeling physically tired. . Therefore, avoid worrying too much.
3. Vitamin deficiency
Vitamin deficiency can also cause feeling of tiredness as soon as you wake up in the morning. Low vitamin levels, especially vitamin B12, can affect energy levels, as it plays a role in red blood cell production. According to the doctor, deficiency of vitamins and iron can cause fatigue at bedtime and the next morning. Therefore, foods containing vitamins and iron should be taken in the diet.
4.  Unbalanced diet
Many problems start occurring when the diet is not balanced. This not only affects the energy of the body but can also cause many diseases. This also improves blood circulation, which keeps the body parts active and improves metabolism. When the diet is unbalanced, the body starts feeling tired, in such a situation, weakness and laziness remains in the body despite sleeping. Therefore, food should be improved. Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins in your diet.
5. Thyroid problem
Health experts say that it will be surprising to know that due to thyroid, you may feel tired after waking up in the morning. Actually, when there is thyroid, too much or less thyroid hormone is produced, due to which the body’s metabolism gets impaired and the quality of sleep is affected. Due to which you may feel tired after waking up in the morning.
6. Sleep Apnea
Due to sleep apnea, the rhythm of breathing gets disrupted. In such cases, snoring, panting while sleeping, waking up with dry mouth, headache in the morning, feeling tired after long sleep can occur.
What to do to avoid fatigue
1. Improve your routine.
2. Get good and deep sleep at night.
3. Take proper care of bedroom hygiene.
4. If you feel very tired, you should go to the doctor.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert. 

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